Flower farm for sale in NaivashaKsh 10,000,000.00
Flower farm for sale in Naivasha
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Flower farm for sale in Naivasha

Naivasha, Kenya

Ksh 10,000,000.00

500 acres

Internal Features

  • Serviced

External Features

  • CCTV
  • Electric Fence
  • Garden
  • Parking
  • Wheel Chair Access

Flower farm for sale in Naivasha Description

500 acres developed flower farm on quick sale,
Located at Lake Naivasha shores Naivasha sub county Nakuru county,
Off Nairobi Nakuru highway,
19km off highway,
35km from Naivasha SGR dry port,
250mtrs lake frontage and with permitted authority to use lake water,
Formally operational Active & productive export of variety types flower farming,
Had international market contracts,
Comprises of:
80% of the land is on flower farming,
Staff squatters,
Administration block,
Warehouses and stores,
Machineries, trucks and handling equipments,
A mega water pan/dam,
7 operational boreholes,
Irrigation systems,
Staff houses,
Availability of fresh water,
Accessible roadster,
2, 000 Permanent, semipermanent and casual workers,
Well established managerial structure,
KPLC power connected with own transformers,
Many other farm amenities available in the farm,
Selling as a block inclusive of all mentioned items,
More details and information to be obtained from the farm upon viewing only,
Kindly book a visit with us three days notice and be specific about time,
Ready documents available with a Freehold Title,
Viewing strictly on at least three days notice appointment booking,
Selling at Ksh 10M per acre. All inclusive.
Text / WhatsApp only
For viewing arrangements please,
Serious & genuine inquiries only.
More Information
1. Is the property registered under an individual or a company?
Answer The property is registered under the company name
2. (a) Is there any existing irrigation infrastructure on the land?answer yes we have irrigation system pumps etc(b) Does the owner have any water access rights or a permit to use Lake Naivasha water for irrigation? Answer yes the owner has all rights and permit to use water
3. What crops have been grown on the land previously? Indicate which year(s) these crops were grown? Answer Roses were cultivated and the varieties namely 1Diadeem planted 2011
2 sunny Sher planted 2011
3 jambo planted 2012
4 magenta planted 2012
5 wild calypso planted 2004
6 Chelsea planted 2005
7 inka planted 2005
8 Red calypso 2005
9 Red calypso 2006
10 Red champ 2007
11sweet Sher 2006
12 Marie Claire 2008
13 Ria red 2008
14 Bellarose 2009
15 lovely jewel 2010
16 pistache 2010
17 Texans. 2010
18 Dekora 2010
19 crazy Sher 2011
20 furiosa 2011
21 lagreta 2011
22 Athena 2012
We also have root stock 2.3 hectares
4. Are there any electricity lines on the land? What is the distance to the nearest electricity transformer?
Answer we have have 7 transformers in the farm 7 pump house along the lake side this means we have electricity in the farm
5. What is the distance from the Nairobi-Naivasha Road to the land? What is the condition of this road accessing the farm?
Answer 17 kilometers from Nairobi Naivasha road to the farm and the road is good
6. What is the distance from the SGR to the land?Answer 35 kilometers
7. Are there any grazing rights granted to pastrolists in the area to go through the land? Answer no pastrolists are allowed inter in the farm
8. Is there any Watering Zone, Dam or Water Pans on the land or neighbouring the land? Answer water for use in the farm is pumped from the lake naivasha via a six inch buried pipeline to lined galvanized treatment plant and subsequently to several galvanized water tanks via seven pump house with filtration units .there are also four 4 borehole drilled within the farms for supply water for domestic
9. Are there any structures or developments on the land? Answer we have the greenhouse at the farm are constructed of galvanized iron pipes load bearing columns gutted with overhead galvanized corrugated iron rainwater gutters draining into down pipe the greenhouse are provided with entrance and concreted walkways running across. Outside the greenhouse are concreted drainage channels for rain water we have vocom for fertigation unit and spray house, grading halls, social hall, hospital, 2000 staff houses, nurse school, secondary school, car, parking she'd, store and workshop,main office block and ancillary facilities etc
10. Are there any authorized residential dwellings on the land? Answer we only have staff houses no other residents
11. Are they any squatters on the land? Answer no squatters in the farm
12. Is the land under one Title Deed? And what is the status of this Title Deed(s)? Answer we have seven titles part of the titles are in the bank due to loan crystallised at 1.25 bi value.
13. Is it possible to obtain a good copy of the Title Deed and Deed Plan for due diligence?answer yes we can shere
14. Does the land have any loans or debts? Yes we have a loan with stanbic bank for 1.25 bi Ksh and they placed as on receivership 4years now the case has been in court for 4 Years but for now we are resolving the matter out of court that's way we came to this point of selling part of our farm to restart the oparetions
15. Are there any disputes or law suits regarding the land? Answer yes we have a caveat registered by KRA which is under process of lifting and expected to be done by March 2020.
16. What is the current status of Land Rates and Land Rents on the parcel to be sold to us?
Ksh 23 mi for lake front land and 18 mi for road side land. GHs will be sold at 400 Ksh per m2 seperately
17. How long is the Lake Frontage (in meters)? Answer for 155 lake front 275 about 1kilomet

Flower farm for sale in Naivasha Payment Plan

Selling at 10m per acre

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