Block of flat for sale in UmojaKsh 25,000,000.00
Block of flat for sale in Umoja
saleBlock of flats
saleBlock of flats

Block of flat for sale in Umoja

Umoja, Nairobi, Kenya

Ksh 25,000,000.00

Block of flat for sale in Umoja Description

selling a block of apartment in Umoja Nairobi. The property is fully occupied and located in a small gated community where there other flats. The property has 17 units, 8 units are two bedrooms, 7 units are one bedroom and 2 bedsitters. The property is connected to sewer and it has a monthly rental income of ksh 220,000. The block of flat has good returns on investments and it’s an ideal property for someone who is looking to invest in rental units with returns. The property has a title deed and the selling price is ksh 25M.

Block of flat for sale in Umoja Payment Plan

Selling at 25m

Mortgage Calculator

KES. 133883.31 / Month
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