Bedsitters For Sale And Rent In Kenya - Page 6

bedsitters for rent in ruaka near chief
Ksh 10,000.00 / month
1 beds

Spacious bedsitters for rent in ruaka at 10k near the chief's office near the...

spacious bedsitters for rent in utawala
Ksh 8,000.00 / month
1 beds

Spacious bedsitters for rent in utawala at 8k no viewing fees water and elect...

Spacious bedsitters for rent in pipeline near honey suckle
Ksh 9,000.00 / month
1 beds

Spacious bedsitters for rent in pipeline along kware near honey suckle estate at...

Spacious bedsitters for rent in tassia
Ksh 8,200.00 / month
1 beds

Spacious bedsitters for rent in tassia opposite beams plaza at 8200 30% rent of...

Newly built bedsitters for rent in buruburu
Ksh 9,000.00 / month

Spacious and newly built bedsitters for rent in buruburu hamza near naivas at 9k...

Exceptional Bedsitters to let in Utawala
Ksh 8,000.00
1 beds

Utawala near mihango school -very spacious. -water supply is constant. -elect...

Spacious bedsitters to let in Kawangware
Ksh 8,000.00
1 beds

To let: exceptional bedsitters. along ngina road, riruta-kawangware. features...

Showing 121 to 127 of 127 results

Locations on Propscout With Bedsitters