Lands & Plots For Sale And Rent In Kenya - Page 47

Thogoto Kikuyu land for sale
Ksh 5,200,000.00

Residential plot for sale in kikuyu, thogoto asking price: kes 5,200,000/= (neg...

Kamangu Kikuyu Land for sale
Ksh 3,400,000.00

The plot is only a kilometer from thogoto - mutarakwa road (tarmac).-its very id...

Ondiri Kikuyu land for sale
Ksh 2,600,000.00

-the plot is very ideal for a residential home.-its only 200 meters from the tar...

Land for lease in Kikuyu Gikambura
Ksh 80,000.00 / month

Lease period: 14 years ( 2 terms of 7 years renewable) cost: ksh 80, 000/= per...

Land for sale in Kikuyu Ondiri
Ksh 4,600,000.00

Residential plot for sale in kikuyu, ondiri size: 0.05haasking price kes 4,600,...

Land for sale in Gitaru waiyaki way
Ksh 5,700,000.00

 this plot is only 300 meters from the newly revamped waiyaki way, 15 km's...

Land for sale in Kikuyu in a gated estate
Ksh 3,000,000.00

Price: ksh 3,000,000/= final price. -this plots are in a controlled gated estat...

Gikambura Kikuyu land for sale
Ksh 4,200,000.00

-this plot measures 40ft x 90 ft in one of the most growing area of kikuyu.-it i...

Land for sale in Kikuyu Gikambura
Ksh 3,500,000.00

If you are looking for a residential plot in kikuyu, this is a plot you would wa...

Land in Kikuyu Nachu for sale
Ksh 750,000.00

Are you looking for a piece of land you could speculate, farm or even build your...

Kinoo Kikuyu Land for sale
Ksh 12,000,000.00

The property is touches the tarmac( the road that connects regen to muhuri road)...

Kikuyu Lusigetti land for sale
Ksh 2,200,000.00

It's a prime plot for a residential home in lusigetti. -it's 50 by 100 in size....

Kikuyu Gikambura land for sale
Ksh 4,200,000.00

Prime plot for sale in kikuyu, gikambura. size: 40 x 90ft asking price: kes 4,...

Kikuyu Muthure land for sale
Ksh 4,500,000.00

Commercial plot for sale in muthure, kikuyu asking price: kes 4,500,000/= ...

Commercial land for sale in Kinoo Muthiga
Ksh 5,500,000.00

-this plot is only 400 meters from the tarmac at waiyaki way (muthiga stage).-it...

Land for sale in Kinoo Muthiga Kinoo
Ksh 4,500,000.00

This plot is only 1 km on tarmac from waiyaki way and 400 meters from the tarmac...

Land for sale in Kikuyu Gikambura
Ksh 2,500,000.00

Introducing berverly gardens - available plots: 30 plots -these plots are in k...

Land in Kikuyu Ondiri for sale
Ksh 2,500,000.00

Residential plot for sale in kikuyu,ondiri. size: 50by100ftprice : kes 2,500,00...

Kalmangu in Kikuyu land for sale
Ksh 2,800,000.00

-only 1.3 kilometers from the tarmac (thogoto-mutarakwa road) and 10 kilometers...

Land for sale in Kikuyu Kamangu
Ksh 3,500,000.00

Only 1.3 kilometers from the tarmac (thogotto-mutarakwa road) and 10 kilometers...

land for sale in Kikuyu Thogoto
Ksh 9,500,000.00

This plot is within thogoto shopping center and near the southern bypass interch...

kikuyu thogoto land for sale
Ksh 9,500,000.00

-this plot is only 100 meters from the tarmac and 22 km's to nairobi cbd using w...

land for sale in Gitaru
Ksh 5,700,000.00

Commercial plot for sale in gitaru  size: 52 by 130 ft. price: 5,700,000=...

Kikuyu Kamangu land for sale Kikuyu
Ksh 1,600,000.00

Residential plots for sale in kikuyu, kamang price: kes 1,600,000/=negotiablesiz...

Showing 1105 to 1128 of 1797 results

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