3 Bedrooms Houses And Apartments For Sale In Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya - Page 1

We currently have a total of 3, 3 Bedrooms Houses And Apartments For Sale In Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya - Page 1. The average price is KES 10,050,000.00. The cheapest goes for KES 5,500,000.00. The most expensive goes for KES KES 17,000,000.00.

3 bedroom bungalow for sale in Kasarani Mwiki
Ksh 5,500,000.00
3 beds

It is located along catholic rd, off karura street. it is next to pine tree acad...

3 bedroom apartment for sale in Kasarani
Ksh 7,650,000.00
3 beds

The development provides buyers with an affordable home/investment opportunity w...

3 bedroom mansion for sale in Kasarani
Ksh 17,000,000.00
3 beds

Kasarani 3 bedroom mansion on sale:- selling a 3 bedroom mansion at kasaran...

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results

Facts About 3 Bedrooms Houses And Apartments For Sale In Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya - Page 1

averageKES 10,050,000.00
maximumKES 17,000,000.00
minimumKES 5,500,000.00
medianKES 7,650,000.00
modeKES 17,000,000.00

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Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya Neighbourhood Guide

Kasarani is a convenient prime residential area about 30 minutes away from the city center. Kasarani has all kinds of residential units in terms of single rooms, bedsittersone-bedroomtwo-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments and is also a great commercial centre as well.

Kasarani is majorly inhabited by people from all walks of life eg students, business people, expatriates, etc.

It is located along Thika road, approximately 16 kilometres by road, Northeast of Nairobi Central Business District.

The residential area might have gotten its naming from a river that flows through the area which has the Kikuyu name ‘Gathara-ini’ River.

Kasarani estate is bordered by other estates such as RoysambuGithurai 45, Clay city, Zimmerman. Notable estates within Kasarani include Kasarani Hunters, Kasarani seasons, Kasarani Claycity, Kasarani Maternity, Stima, Kasarani Santon and Mwiki.

Kasarani group of schools

Kasarani Primary School

Murema Primary School

Kasarani Academy Secondary School

Jalyn Junior Academy

Get to Kasarani from cbd

You can board a matatu near Odion building-Matatu 17 or Opposite Nairobi Sports House. Fares range from 50,60, 70, 100 shillings depending on what time of day you are travelling.

Pros of living in Kasarani

1. Affordable housing units 2. Majorly secure

Cons of Living in Kasarani

On rush-hour periods, Thika Road jam could be a major issue

Garden City Mall

Mountain Mall

Thika Road Mall

Powerstar Kassmatt Supermarket

Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani Stadium

Kasarani is home to the Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani Stadium. The sports complex has a gymnasium, swimming pool and hotel. The stadium is used by the Harambee Stars for international matches and other local premier league games

Equity Bank- Kasarani

KCB Kasarani Branch

Family Bank Kasarani

Unaitas Kasarani

Available Property Types For sale In Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya